segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Weekend News!!!

Entao gente, esse final de semana, a Mari veio pra casa sexta passar o fds inteiro aqui em casa.
Sexta fomos pra Alexandria, pra um barzinho chamado Murphy's com uns amigos, Zach e nao lembro o nome do outro.. o gordinho tenso!
Ai comecou maior briga la, e decidimos ir pro barzinho do lado, White Horse, que tava bem mais legal porque tinha uma baladinha la.
Ai sabado de manha, a mari foi pra uma entrevista, de tarde fomos pra uma casa de um amigo dela, que tava com umas meninas na piscina.
Sabado de noite, fomos mais uma vez pra alexandria, pra um barzinho chamado, O' Connells. Passamos por momentos tensos, porque meus bofes tavam se revezando laaaaaa.. hauahua.. Comedissima.. um chegou assim que o outro partiu... foi tenso.. mas deu certo gracas a deus! lol
Ai na foto, sou eu, O Rob atras de mim, A Elena, a Mari no meio, e o Hakan, um amigo do meu colegio. Foi bem bacana! Um outro amigo, o Zach tava la antes, ele eh super fofo, ele ja foi pro brasil e sabe falar umas palavras,,, tipo.. REPOLHO... X total!
About my weekend, Friday night we went to Alexandria, cuz we were supposed to bump some friends there,
We went to Murphys at first, and then, after a fight in the bar,
we decided to go to the one on the next door, White horse, which was very Cool, cuz they have a small dance floor, fot the ones who like to go clubbing!
Saturday, we got up late,
then Mari needed to go to an Interview with a family, from Mclean,
after that we went to a Pool Party
and then We decided to go once again to Alexandria,
the place we always go when we dont know where to
We went to O'Connel's Pub. It was cool though, as always!
This picture is from there.
Me, Rob, Elena, Mari and Hakan!
Zach went there but he wasn't in the pic though! He is extremely funny,
he say my name in a way i have never seen before, its so funny, I cant even explain how!!!

quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

Gente, esse domingo, sem ter muito o que fazer, peguei uma amiga e fui explorar minha cidadezinha, Vienna.
Nao tem muito pra fazer aqui
mas tipo, nao eh uma aldeia,
tem umas coisinhas bonitinhas pra ver, ate porque nem tudo eh DC, Arligton ou Alexandria nehhhh hauhauauh.. Yo, Vienna tambem roooxxx!!! hauhauhauha
ahhh brincadeira, mas aqui eh bonitinha simmm!!!

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009


This last Saturday 05/16 I went to the Dc 101 Chili Cook off festival!
It was totally awesome!
I was excited to check PUDDLE OF MUDD and PAPA ROACH out. I didn’t give a shit to Offspring, blahhh!!! They were SICK!!!
Me and my friend Jessika went to a pre party at Keith's house, and there we bumped him n Ryan, the Philly boy!
All we 4 aheaded to the metro and after arrived in the Armory station, Keith was gone, like... disappeared at all! Whatever... he’s crazy!
Then we met John, another friend of mine and got in into the festival!
It was crazy, a lot of people!
I was there just bumping a lot of friends, the whole area was there!
So we had a lot of fun, watched the bands rocking and had some beers!
We met a lot of funny people, like a old guy and a woman, and they were seeing each other, like, they were there together, but he started to flirt with me and Jessika and asked to take pictures with us, and worse, he asked to his girl take the picture,it was terrible, and in front of her he was asking my #, like… shut up Obnoxious!I told her to dump him, he is nasty and she is a way cutier than him!!!

After that I decided to rest a little bit, lol, in the grass, and them a couple of crazy girl, I think they are medicine students I don’t know, they came to me, when I was sleeping and started asking a lot of obnoxious questions that I didn’t feel like answering blahhh, I was resting c’mon, leave me alone, so one of them came and checked me out to see if I was breathing and the drunk girls concluded I wasn’t, duh, do they started doing CPR on me, what I must say hurts a lot, and then I was forced to wake up and say that I was ok! It was really funny though!
Anna Belle arrived late but she was there too, mad as always!

Another fun thing that happened is that some obnoxious guys passed across me and my friends and started flirting with us, and then I started to say in Portuguese “Shut up, look to urself, u r fucking ugly!!!” and then they answer me in Portuguese “Thanks!!!” lol, but they didn’t get mad at me, and we laughed a lot, and became friends in the end!!! Brazilians are Brazilian… friendly always!!!
I already learned it, cuz it’s the second time it happened!In the end, everybody that was with us was gone, like… I don’t know we lost everything, i didnt even know who I am, thats ok!Laila, Jessika and Anna belle embraced it tied till the end!!

Last but not least, when I was going back home with Jessika, we lost my car, I swore it was in Vienna station, but after calling Keith, the lost one, he said it was in another station, yeeeeeeeeeeeh, very weird!!!! People are weird!!!!!

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2009

U can't Stop me!

I’ve been thinking...
I’m not going to say I’m sad, but definitely I’m having tough days!
Because sometimes is just hard to let things go! Things that don’t even belong to us!
Do u know when u want something even knowing it’s not the best for u, that its not going to make u happy,
But even knowing that u still want!!! This is lame!
So yeah... I decided to be brave and even still wanting to have,
I know we need to be able to let things go when they don’t belong to us.
I believe people are not the owner of people, and when u like someone u should not put strings attached, try to control or something like that, I believe you just should let the person free, free to go, free to come back, cuz if this person really likes you, he/she is going to be with you not because he/she must, not because of the obligation, but because they want!
But for me, this is not the point.
Why get in in a lost battle?!
Why try to fight against someone u can’t win?
Don’t u think it’s not fair!? I think so!
It’s just a waste of time, time of ours short lives, that we should enjoy as much as possible.
Enjoying making the people around us happy, not sad!
It’s terrible to try to force the things to go in the way we wish it goes,
Push people, make them suffer... this is very sad! And in my point of view: WRONG
When something isn’t in the way we wish,
Probably is because it’s just not the better for us, even if we want
Sometimes we want the wrong things, we become blind!
What we want now, is not the same we'll want tomorrow, and maybe we will not have also what we want for tomorrow,
cuz it can be again the wrong thing again.
When the right thing appear, then don’t worry, it’s going to happen!
The right thing in the right time!
Because it can also be a problem, the right thing in a wrong time,
Or the right thing in the right time, but we can’t realize that,
And when we do, it’s too late to have it back! It’s already gone!
God knows what he does, and which way!
This is what I believe!
Let’s stop rushing the things, ok!!??!

or just because its not supose to be ours!

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

Tuesday I had to go to school, NoVa, to do a placement test.
After that old and obnoxious questions like: "what do u like to have for breakfast", "tell me about a holiday party of ur country", "Do u think it’s right to give tip to the people", and stuffs like that, and had to listen to a research about the Russian population that is decreasing [like... I don’t care!], and describe a picture of a bike store [?] and in the end had do to an issue about my FIRST DAY IN THE USA [yeah, this was terrible, like If I were in the second grade!], After all this stuffs, the two ladies who were correcting all this stuffs came to me and said: Congratulations, u did excellent, u had the highest Score, u can enroll yourself in whatever class u want!.. she just completed with “ but u need to practice the words Wisconsin and Post Office” - Maybe this is the reason why nobody understand where I am from! lol
I was happy, cuz the first test I did there, I was placed in the 4th level, what was below the level I had in Wisconsin, which was the 6th level, and I was think “Oh Gosh, after 4 mouths here my English is getting worse”.
But After some speculations we realized I did the wrong test, cuz this fist I did was to American people that just want to enroll in the college, this is the reason I did not so good, duh!
Anywayz, in the end, I could enroll for my psychology class, Criminal behavior Science, and to my English class, the review for the TOFEL!
After all this work, I called my friend Anna Belle, who lives close by, and we decided to go for a happy hour in Old town of Alexandria.
It was hard to find a cool place to go cuz it wasn’t late enough, so we ended up in a bar that I already went, O’Connell, and we had dinner there.
The funny thing, is that when we were walking on the street, Anna Belle and I were talking in Portuguese a lot of bull shits, and suddenly a couple of guys stopped by our side and started talking to us in Portuguese, and Anna Belle had just asked me if they were cute, and I answered in Portuguese “Gosh, they are completely UGLY”...but it’s ok, cuz I don’t think the guys heard cuz they were being very nice to us, whatever… we don’t care! And other funny thing that happened is that we asked to the waiter what could we have for dinner, and he said that we should order a SaLaD!! Like.. “yeah… u two are too fat, must have a salad!” we laughed a lot about it though! it was a good day!

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2009

Dia das Maes

Dia das maes,
Eu sai pra comprar um presente pra minha Host mom queridissima que eu amo de paixao!
gastei uns 50$, mas foram bem gastos, porque eu adoro ela, e ela tambem nao economiza comigo!
Eu comprei um vasinho de flor bonitinho, um balao, 3 caixas de chocolate diet, porque ela nao pode comer acucar, e dois cartoes, um meu, e um do bebe... rs!!!!!


Levanta, bola pra frente, chaqualha a poeira

Que ficar sofrendo que nada.

Agora bora curtir esse pais,

um ano eh pouco tempo pra gastar sofrendo por BESTEIRA!!!!

Esse fds, sai com minhas amigas, fomos num parque, se divertimos, falamos mal dos carinhas

e eh isso aiiii!!! Adoreiii!!!

To animada de novo, e a tristezinha ja passou gracas a Deus...

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009

Ja era...

Entao povo, ja era pro meu namorico! Ele deu um basta, falou pra gente parar de ficar e ser so amigos, porque ele tava comecando a gostar de mim mas nao achava justo porque ainda gostava da antiga namorada , ou seja, umonte de bla bla bla pra dizer que quer terminar...
Fiquei triste?! Fiquei!
Mas enfim, eh a vida, e a vida continua, nao foi a primeira vez nem vai ser a ultima.
E conversando com uma amiga ela me falou uma coisa muito preciosa
"Aproveite o maximo ai, nao fica sofrendo por isso, porque vc so tem um ano pra curtir isso ai!"
e eh verdade sabe, com ele, eu ate tava feliz, mas meu
nao tava mais curtindo os Eua direito, chegava de fds ficava enfurnada na casa dele assistindo Tv, ah meu, ninguem merece. Tem males que vem pra bem!!!
Vamos ver agora!!!!
mas enfim... to de Fossa.. mas vai passar!!!! =]

In this post i was just saying how its not cool to forget that im here just for one year and I should not waste my time spending the whole weekend inside a room watching Tv or something like that!!! No at all!! Im here to enjoy the most i can!
I had forgot about it for some time, but now, Im ready again to enjoy my time here in the Usa the most and best i can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]]

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Au pair meeting

Last week, we au pairs from the Vienna, Mclean, Falls Church, Fairxfax and other areas we had our mouthly au pair meeting. I wasnt expecting too much, but it overcame my expectations of how bad it would be. Yeah, it was terrible. We went to a Country Bar, to learn how to dance country music. Completely Obnoxious! I didnt like it and couldnt looking more foward to leave there. lol. But At least I could laugh a little, cuz our Area Director, who was supposed to drive back an Au pair, she just forgot the girl there!!!!!!!!! hauHAuHAuAH it was ilarious! I knew that she didnt like a lot the au pairs, but it was too much. lol
After that, i picked up a friend, Anna Belle and we went out to grad some dinner and talk a little bit.
Semana passada fomos pro au pair meeting. Que coisa mais chato meu Deus do ceu.
A diretora resolveu fazer a reuniao num barzinho country, e teria umas aulas de danca,
aff.. que coisa mais zuada!!! Nao via a hora de ir embora!!!
E na hora de ir embora, depois de conversar com a meninas e tal, a diretora simplesmente esqueceu de dar carona de volta pra menina que ela tinha que dar!!!
Ta bom que ela nao gosta da gente, mas disfarca pooooo!!
Depois da reuniao, eu busquei uma amiga em casa e a gente saiu pra fofocar num bar!!

segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2009


Gente esse ultimo sabado fui convidada pra uma festa em Dc, nao deu outra, chamei toda a galera pra ir tambem!
Pra que?! Tudo que podia dar errado deu. Rolou varios barracos, os nervos a flor da pele, todo mundo brigando com todo mundo, inclusive eu!
Um cara que eu ja tinha pegado, o Jack, foi falar pro meu namoradinho, o Rob, que eu tava pegando ele tambem e que devia ta pegando outros tambem! Baaaah gurias, fiquei puta, esse infeliz nao tinha nada que ir falar nada pro Rob, Que vontade de esmurrar esse Nerd do Jack! enfim, mais uma vez to passando por um perrengue com meu affair, vamos ver no que da!
Depois da festa, fomos sair pra comer alguma coisa, e nada fica aberto de madrugada nessa pais, eh impressionante viu! tivemos que cacar um lugarzinho bonitinho pra comer, e achamos... Ihop! depois disso, a Carla tava trocando mensagemzinhas no celular com o bofe dela, e ele ia buscar ela na casa do rob, mas houve um mal entendido, e o bofe dela foi buscar ela na casa dela em woodbrigde, sendo que a gente tava em Alexandria, tipo uns 30min de diferenca. rssss... Que merda! Povo bebado eh uma desgraca viu!
This Last Saturday I was invited to go to a Party in Dc, and of course i invited some friends to go with me. The party was good [not that much], but the problem is that i dont know why everybody was getting mad at everybody, All the people were argueing, and it was funny at the begining when was not my time, but finally my time came and a fucking virgin nerd, Jack, went to Rob, the boy i like, and said that i was seeing him too, and i should be probably seeing a lot of other people too... Omg, i got so mad at him, i did feel like smacking his face, but of course i didnt do that. Anyway, in the end of the story, the party was lame, we went home ... actually no, we decided to go out for breakfast, and of course it was hard to find cuz i dont know why there is anything open during the night here in the Usa, its so unreasonble, but whatever, we found a place, ate there and then a friend of mine, carla, She was talking to her "affair boy" and they had a misunderstood, so well.. we were at the wrong place, so was he. lol, it was funny though [not for her, for sure!]