segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2009


Gente esse ultimo sabado fui convidada pra uma festa em Dc, nao deu outra, chamei toda a galera pra ir tambem!
Pra que?! Tudo que podia dar errado deu. Rolou varios barracos, os nervos a flor da pele, todo mundo brigando com todo mundo, inclusive eu!
Um cara que eu ja tinha pegado, o Jack, foi falar pro meu namoradinho, o Rob, que eu tava pegando ele tambem e que devia ta pegando outros tambem! Baaaah gurias, fiquei puta, esse infeliz nao tinha nada que ir falar nada pro Rob, Que vontade de esmurrar esse Nerd do Jack! enfim, mais uma vez to passando por um perrengue com meu affair, vamos ver no que da!
Depois da festa, fomos sair pra comer alguma coisa, e nada fica aberto de madrugada nessa pais, eh impressionante viu! tivemos que cacar um lugarzinho bonitinho pra comer, e achamos... Ihop! depois disso, a Carla tava trocando mensagemzinhas no celular com o bofe dela, e ele ia buscar ela na casa do rob, mas houve um mal entendido, e o bofe dela foi buscar ela na casa dela em woodbrigde, sendo que a gente tava em Alexandria, tipo uns 30min de diferenca. rssss... Que merda! Povo bebado eh uma desgraca viu!
This Last Saturday I was invited to go to a Party in Dc, and of course i invited some friends to go with me. The party was good [not that much], but the problem is that i dont know why everybody was getting mad at everybody, All the people were argueing, and it was funny at the begining when was not my time, but finally my time came and a fucking virgin nerd, Jack, went to Rob, the boy i like, and said that i was seeing him too, and i should be probably seeing a lot of other people too... Omg, i got so mad at him, i did feel like smacking his face, but of course i didnt do that. Anyway, in the end of the story, the party was lame, we went home ... actually no, we decided to go out for breakfast, and of course it was hard to find cuz i dont know why there is anything open during the night here in the Usa, its so unreasonble, but whatever, we found a place, ate there and then a friend of mine, carla, She was talking to her "affair boy" and they had a misunderstood, so well.. we were at the wrong place, so was he. lol, it was funny though [not for her, for sure!]

6 comentários:

  1. Aeeee uahuaha Laila é Laila neh mew.. seja aki.. nos China ou em Vênus!

    "O importante é ser você, mesmo que seja ESTRANHA seja você.." uahuhauhauhauhaauahauhahuahuahua

    Bjuuuuuuuxxxxx Lailones cabeciones.. se cuida pq ta longe pra salvar-te

  2. Brigada pela parte que me toca o'

    Me chamando de estranha!!!!!!!!!!

  3. oi achei seu blog na comu da apc...dai tava vendo q vc mora perto de dc... q lugar?
    to perguntand pq eu tb moro... moro em md

  4. meeeu, me mijeei de rir hahahaha

    karen claudino


Fala ai: