terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

My host family

This is the family that I work for as au pair : The Diorio's Family.
The father's name is Donato; the mother, Christy; and the kids:
Calandra, 4 years old; Theus 3 years old; and Andromeda, 1 year old.
The also pets, 2 big black dogs.
They live in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

3 comentários:

  1. que legal sua family flor..
    as kids sao lindas..

  2. Ai que lindinhos...

    Torcendo muito por vc...


  3. Lailaaaaa.. eu quase fiz o match com essa host family!! ¬¬ affz ainda bem que nao cai nessa!! me conta deles!! bjooo linda take care!


Fala ai: